By her own admission, Allia Zobel Nolan is the proverbial cat lady. It is little wonder that she chose to share about her “puddies” in Main Street Connect's Close to My Heart promotion.

Nolan's three cats are less pets and more furry children in her eyes. “I mean, just because they have four legs, whiskers and a tail doesn't mean they can't be my children. I enjoy the pitter-patter of their little feet bounding down the stairs (though I must be careful they don't trip me), and I long for evening time, when we all (the four of us) have a treat, and then spend time watching TV and cuddling,” she replied to an email inquiry.

A few participants in the Close to My Heart promotion wrote about their cats in terms of sheer feline love, but it's hard to beat Nolan. But then in all fairness, when it comes to talking about her furry friends, she's already had quite a bit of practice.

“I am the proverbial cat lady and my love for them has prompted me to write a ton of books on them, including 'Cat Confessions: A Kitty-Come-Clean Tell-All Book,' and 'Purr More, Hiss Less: Heavenly Lessons I've Learned From My Cat,'” she wrote in another email. “I often write under the name of Kitty Literate, which is the name of my blog: Kitty Literate's Blog.”

Cats don't encompass the entirety of her writing. Nolan has penned more than 170 books aimed at children and adults, eight of which were feline inspired. Her website offers reviews of several of the books.

Nolan could have written about her husband for the Valentine's Day-themed contest but decided that wasn't necessary. “I chose to write about my cats rather than my husband, because my husband knows I love him. ... The cats, however, have to be constantly reassured, as they have tender egos. Plus, it was Angela's birthday. She's the white cat smelling the flowers in my entry,” Nolan said in her email.

Close to My Heart celebrates Valentine's Day by asking participants to share stories about someone who has touched their lives. Now through Feb. 13, readers can submit their stories. On Valentine's Day, a panel of three judges will choose 10 finalists. The grand prize winner will receive $10,000, half of which goes to a local nonprofit of their choice. The other nine finalists will receive $500 each, with half of that also shared with a nonprofit of their choice.