Summer's heat screams for a water-cooler. But take extra precautions where water and young children are concerned.

■ Supervise young children at all times, whether in the bathtub, swimming pool or any body of water. Adults tasked with watching children should do just that and should avoid listening to music, talking on cell phones, etc.

■ If supervision is not available, a four-sided, self-closing isolation fence with self-latching gates helps keep children away from the pool area.

■ Life jackets are not optional: All children (and adults) should wear a personal flotation device (PFD) on any boat, small or large. Young children should wear PFDs near natural bodies of water (lakes, bays, ocean) even if they know how to swim.

■ Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and get recertified every two years. In the event of a cardiac emergency, CPR can save lives.